Cable Lateral Raises for Beginners – Ultimate Guide 101


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If toned, strong shoulders are what you’re after, cable lateral raises are a game-changer. However, you might not be sure how to start, or how to perform the exercise correctly – all of us were there at some point.

That’s why today we’ll cover everything you need to know, including what cable lateral raises are, how they benefit your body, and step-by-step instructions to perform them correctly.

What Does This Exercise Target?

Cable lateral raises are an isolation exercise specifically designed to target the deltoid muscles in your shoulders. Unlike exercises that hit multiple muscle groups at once, these raises focus on just one main area, helping you build strength and definition right where you want it.

Using a cable machine for this exercise is a smart move because it keeps constant tension on your muscles, making every rep count. Plus, the machine’s adjustable settings let you start light and gradually add more weight as you get stronger, which is perfect if you’re just getting started.

The cable provides a smoother range of motion compared to free weights, reducing the risk of injury and making it easier on your joints. It can easily adjust the weight and angle to match your fitness level, making it a great exercise for both beginners and seasoned lifters.

Benefits of Cable Lateral Raises

If you decide to try this exercise, let me tell you that you won’t regret it at all, and here’s why

Gives Your Shoulders a Better Look

Who doesn’t want strong, well-defined shoulders? Cable lateral raises are great for building up the side deltoid muscles, which are key for that broad, V-shaped upper body. Keep at it, and you’ll add some serious width to your shoulders, making your overall physique look more impressive.

Boosts Shoulder Strength

Strong shoulders aren’t just for looks—they’re super important for everyday tasks like lifting, pushing, and even carrying groceries. Add cable lateral raises to your workout, and you’ll notice your shoulders getting stronger, making those daily chores a lot easier.

Improves Shoulder Stability

Shoulder stability is crucial, especially if you’re into sports or heavy lifting. Cable lateral raises help strengthen the smaller muscles that stabilize your shoulder joint, reducing the risk of injuries like dislocations.

Helps with Other Exercises

Strong deltoids from cable lateral raises can really boost your performance in other upper-body exercises, like bench presses, push-ups, and overhead presses. With stronger shoulders, you’ll find yourself lifting heavier and getting more out of these compound movements.

How to Perform the Exercise

Proper form is essential to maximize the benefits and avoid injuries.

1. Set Up the Cable Machine

  • Adjust the pulley on the cable machine to the lowest setting.
  • Attach a single handle or D-handle to the pulley.

2. Position Yourself

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, facing the machine.
  • Hold the handle in one hand with your arm straight down by your side.
  • Take a small step away from the machine to create tension on the cable.

3. Engage Your Core

  • Keep your core tight and your back straight to maintain stability throughout the movement.
  • Avoid leaning towards the machine; keep your torso upright.

4. Execute the Raise

  • With a slight bend in your elbow, lift your arm out to the side until it’s parallel to the floor.
  • Focus on leading with your elbow rather than your hand to fully engage the lateral deltoid.
  • Pause briefly at the top of the movement, feeling the contraction in your shoulder.

5. Controlled Lowering

  • Slowly lower your arm back to the starting position, resisting the pull of the cable.
  • Repeat the movement for the desired number of repetitions before switching to the other arm.
How Many Reps and Sets?

For beginners, aim for 3 sets of 12-15 reps. This rep range helps build muscle endurance and strength while ensuring you maintain good form. As you progress, you can experiment with heavier weights and lower reps or lighter weights and higher reps to see what works best for you.

What to Avoid

Cable One Arm Lateral Raise - Shoulders Exercise

Even the simplest exercises can be prone to mistakes, especially for beginners. Here’s what to watch out for:

Lifting Too Heavy

It’s tempting to load up on weight, but form is more important. Start with a lightweight that allows you to perform the exercise correctly.

Swinging the Arm

Momentum should not be used to lift the weight. Control the movement to keep tension on the muscle throughout the exercise.

Shrugging Shoulders

Keep your shoulders down and relaxed during the movement. Shrugging your shoulders engages the trapezius muscle instead of the deltoid, which defeats the purpose of the exercise.

Some other variations of the exercise

Cable lateral raise female

Mixing up your routine can hit your muscles in new ways and keep your workouts from getting boring. Here are a few variations you can try:

1. Behind-the-Back Cable Lateral Raise

This variation targets the deltoids from a slightly different angle, providing a new stimulus for growth.

  • Stand with your back to the cable machine and reach behind you to grab the handle.
  • Perform the lateral raise as usual, but feel how this changes the muscle engagement.

2. Single-Arm Cable Lateral Raise

Focusing on one arm at a time can help you ensure both sides of your body are equally strong.

  • Perform the lateral raise with just one arm, concentrating on the muscle contraction.
  • This can also help correct any muscle imbalances.

3. Seated Cable Lateral Raise

Performing the exercise seated removes any assistance from your legs and focuses entirely on your deltoids.

  • Sit on a bench with the cable machine to your side.
  • Perform the raise as you would while standing, maintaining proper form.

4. Incline Cable Lateral Raise

This variation engages the shoulder from a different angle and can be more challenging.

  • Adjust a bench to an incline position and lie on your side with the cable machine next to you.
  • Perform the lateral raise as usual, but notice how the incline changes the muscle activation.

When to Include Cable Lateral Raises


Cable lateral raises are versatile and can be included in various types of workouts:

Workout Type Incorporation of Cable Lateral Raises
Shoulder Day Include cable lateral raises on a day dedicated to shoulders for targeted muscle growth.
Upper Body Day Add them to your upper body workout as a complementary exercise.
Push Day Since cable lateral raises involve pushing movements, they fit well into push-focused workouts.

Helpful Tips for Beginners!

Starting out with cable lateral raises might seem a bit scary, but these simple tips can help you get the most out of your workout:

Warm-Up Properly

Always start with a good warm-up. It gets the blood flowing to your muscles, making them more flexible and less likely to get injured. A few arm circles, shoulder rotations, or some light cardio should do the trick.

Focus on Form

Nailing the right form is key to avoiding injuries and getting the best results. Begin with a weight you can handle easily, so you can control the movement and really focus on doing it right.

Increase Weight Gradually

As you get more comfortable with the exercise, start adding more weight. Just remember, form comes first. The goal is to work the muscle effectively, not just lift the heaviest weight you can.

Rest Between Sets

Take about 60 seconds to rest between sets. This gives your muscles time to recover and helps you keep good form throughout your workout.

Track Your Progress! Keep a workout journal to note the weight, reps, and sets you do each session. It’s a great way to see how you’re improving and stay motivated to keep pushing forward.

In Summary

Cable lateral raises are a fantastic exercise for anyone looking to build strong, well-defined shoulders. Like with any other exercise, consistency is key. The more you practice, the better you’ll get.

Start light, focus on your form, and gradually increase the weight as you build strength. With time, you’ll notice significant improvements in your shoulder definition and overall upper body aesthetics.

Picture of Isabel Gibbons

Isabel Gibbons

Hello, I'm Isabel Gibbons, a passionate fitness trainer dedicated to helping women achieve their health and fitness goals. I focus on creating accessible and effective workout routines that fit into any busy schedule. Fitness has always been a significant part of my life. I believe in the transformative power of regular exercise and healthy living. My mission is to inspire women to find joy in movement and to lead healthier, more active lives. Through tailored workouts, nutritious recipes, and practical wellness tips, I strive to make fitness enjoyable and sustainable for everyone.
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