The BEST Ab Workouts for Women: Target Your Core at Home with Minimal Equipment

The BEST Ab Workouts for Women Target Your Core at Home with Minimal Equipment

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When it comes to building a strong, toned core, the right exercises can make all the difference.

No matter if you’re looking to target your upper and lower abs, obliques, or lower back muscles, these workouts are designed to help you achieve amazing results from the comfort of your home.

Let’s check the best ab workouts for women that require minimal equipment but deliver maximum impact.

15. Kettlebell Ab Workout

Kettlebell Ab Workout

Kettlebells are fantastic for dynamic and functional movements that engage your core. This workout includes exercises like Russian twists, kettlebell swings, and Turkish get-ups, which not only work your abs but also improve overall strength and stability.

Why it’s great: Kettlebell workouts combine cardio and strength training, making them efficient for burning calories and building muscle.

Equipment needed: Kettlebell

Exercise Position Instructions Repetitions Sets
Russian Twists Sit on the floor, knees bent, feet flat Hold kettlebell at chest, lean back, twist torso to right, then left. Return to center after each twist. 15 reps each side 3 sets
Kettlebell Swings Stand with feet hip-width apart Hinge at hips, swing kettlebell back between legs, thrust hips forward to swing kettlebell to chest height. 15 reps 3 sets
Turkish Get-Ups Lie on back, kettlebell in right hand, arm extended Push up onto left elbow, then hand, lift hips, bring left leg back, stand up. Reverse movement to return. 3 reps each side 3 sets

14. Stability Ball Ab Workout

Stability Ball Ab Workout

Stability balls are excellent for challenging your core muscles through instability. This workout features moves like stability ball rollouts, pikes, and crunches, which engage your abs deeply and help improve balance.

Why it’s great: The instability of the ball forces your core muscles to work harder, enhancing muscle activation and improving coordination.

Equipment needed: Stability ball

Exercise Position Instructions Repetitions Sets
Stability Ball Rollouts Kneel with forearms on the stability ball Roll the ball forward, extending into a plank position, then roll back to starting position. 12 reps 3 sets
Stability Ball Pikes Plank position with feet on stability ball Lift hips towards ceiling, bringing the ball towards hands, then lower back to plank position. 10 reps 3 sets
Stability Ball Crunches Sit on stability ball, walk feet forward Perform a crunch by lifting upper body towards knees, then lower back down. 15 reps 3 sets

13. Arms & Abs Circuit Workout

Arms & Abs Circuit Workout

Combining arm and ab exercises, this circuit keeps your heart rate up while sculpting your upper body and core. Exercises include plank shoulder taps, dumbbell overhead presses, and Russian twists.

Why it’s great: This workout efficiently targets multiple muscle groups, saving you time and maximizing results.

Equipment needed: Dumbbells

Exercise Position Instructions Repetitions Sets
Plank Shoulder Taps Plank position Tap right shoulder with left hand, then left shoulder with right hand, keeping core stable. 20 taps (10 each side) 3 sets
Dumbbell Overhead Presses Stand with feet shoulder-width apart Hold dumbbells at shoulder height, press overhead until arms are extended, lower back down. 12 reps 3 sets
Russian Twists Sit with knees bent, holding dumbbell Lean back slightly, twist torso to the right, then to the left. 15 twists each side 3 sets

12. Absolutely Awesome Abs!

Absolutely Awesome Abs!

This workout focuses solely on your abdominal muscles with a variety of crunches, leg raises, and bicycle kicks. It’s a no-fuss routine that delivers a serious burn.

Why it’s great: It’s straightforward and highly effective, perfect for when you need a quick, intense ab session.

Equipment needed: None

Exercise Position Instructions Repetitions Sets
Basic Crunches Lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat Place hands behind head, lift upper body towards knees, lower back down. 20 reps 3 sets
Leg Raises Lie on your back, legs extended Lift legs towards ceiling, keeping them straight. Lower back down without touching floor. 15 reps 3 sets
Bicycle Kicks Lie on your back, knees bent, hands behind head Bring right elbow towards left knee while extending right leg. Switch sides and repeat. 20 reps total 3 sets

11. Melt the Muffin Top Workout!

Melt the Muffin Top Workout!

This workout zeroes in on your obliques and lower abs to help trim and tone your waistline. Think side planks, hip dips, and mountain climbers.

Why it’s great: It specifically targets the stubborn areas around your midsection, helping you achieve a more defined waist.

Equipment needed: None

Exercise Position Instructions Duration / Repetitions Sets
Side Planks Lie on your side with elbow directly under shoulder Lift hips to form a straight line from head to feet. Hold position. Switch sides after each set. 30 seconds 3 sets each side
Hip Dips Side plank position Lower hips towards the floor, then lift them back up. 15 reps each side 3 sets
Mountain Climbers Plank position Bring right knee towards chest, then switch legs quickly. 20 reps total 3 sets

10. Love Your Arms & Abs!

Love Your Arms & Abs!

A fusion of arm and ab exercises that ensures you don’t neglect your upper body while working your core. This workout includes moves like renegade rows, plank jacks, and tricep dips.

Why it’s great: Perfect for a balanced workout that tones both your arms and abs, promoting overall muscle balance and strength.

Equipment needed: Dumbbells

Exercise Position Instructions Repetitions Sets
Renegade Rows Plank position with dumbbells in each hand Row one dumbbell towards your hip, keeping core stable. Lower and switch sides. 12 reps each side 3 sets
Plank Jacks Plank position Jump feet apart and back together. 20 reps total 3 sets
Tricep Dips Sit on edge of chair, hands beside hips Lift hips off chair, lower body by bending elbows, then push back up. 15 reps 3 sets

9. Pilates for Posture

Pilates for Posture

Pilates is excellent for strengthening your core and improving posture. This workout features exercises like the hundred, roll-ups, and spine stretches.

Why it’s great: It enhances core strength and flexibility, which can lead to better posture and reduced back pain.

Equipment needed: None

Exercise Position Instructions Duration / Repetitions Sets
The Hundred Lie on your back, legs raised to 90 degrees Lift head and shoulders off mat, pump arms while inhaling for 5 counts, exhaling for 5 counts. 100 pumps 1 set
Roll-Ups Lie on your back, arms extended overhead Slowly roll up reaching towards toes, then roll back down with control. 10 reps 3 sets
Spine Stretches Sit with legs extended and feet flexed Reach forward, rounding your spine, then return to starting position. 10 reps 3 sets

8. Sizzling Summer Abs Workout

Sizzling Summer Abs Workout

Get your abs ready for summer with this high-intensity workout. It combines cardio and ab exercises like flutter kicks, bicycle crunches, and burpees.

Why it’s great: The blend of cardio and strength exercises helps burn fat while sculpting your abs, perfect for getting beach-ready.

Equipment needed: None

Exercise Position Instructions Repetitions Sets
Flutter Kicks Lie on your back, legs extended Lift legs slightly off the floor and alternate kicking them up and down. 20 kicks each leg 3 sets
Bicycle Crunches Lie on your back, hands behind your head Bring right elbow towards left knee while extending right leg. Switch sides and repeat. 20 reps total 3 sets
Burpees Start in a standing position Squat down, place hands on the floor, jump feet back into plank, perform push-up, jump feet back, and jump up. 10 reps 3 sets

7. How to Do a Plank

How to Do a Plank

The plank is a fundamental exercise for core strength. This guide walks you through proper plank form and variations to target different areas of your abs and back.

Why it’s great: Planks are highly effective for building core stability and strength, with numerous variations to keep your routine fresh.

Equipment needed: None

with the specified exercises:

Exercise Position Instructions Duration / Repetitions Sets
Basic Plank Forearm plank position, elbows under shoulders Engage core, hold body in a straight line from head to heels. Hold position. 30 seconds to 1 minute 3 sets
Side Plank Lie on your side, elbow under shoulder Lift hips to form a straight line from head to feet. Hold position. Switch sides after each set. 30 seconds each side 3 sets each side
Plank with Leg Lift Basic plank position Lift one leg towards the ceiling, keeping hips stable. Lower and switch legs. 10 reps each leg 3 sets

6. The BEST Exercises to Tone Your Abs

The BEST Exercises to Tone Your Abs

This collection of exercises includes the most effective moves for targeting your entire core, such as leg raises, crunches, and Russian twists.

Why it’s great: These are tried-and-true exercises that consistently deliver results, perfect for any fitness level.

Equipment needed: None

Exercise Position Instructions Repetitions Sets
Leg Raises Lie on your back, legs extended Lift legs towards the ceiling, then lower back down without touching the floor. 15 reps 3 sets
Crunches Lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat Place hands behind head, lift upper body towards knees, lower back down. 20 reps 3 sets
Russian Twists Sit with knees bent, feet flat Hold weight at chest, lean back, twist torso to the right, then to the left. 15 reps each side 3 sets

5. The Ultimate Plank Workout

The Ultimate Plank Workout

Take your plank game to the next level with this challenging routine. It includes plank variations like side planks, plank jacks, and walking planks to keep your core engaged from all angles.

Why it’s great: It offers a comprehensive approach to core training, ensuring you hit every muscle group.

Equipment needed: None

Exercise Position Instructions Duration / Repetitions Sets
Side Planks Lie on your side, elbow under shoulder Lift hips to form a straight line from head to feet. Hold position. Switch sides after each set. 30 seconds each side 3 sets each side
Plank Jacks Plank position Jump feet apart and back together while maintaining a plank position. 20 reps 3 sets
Walking Planks Forearm plank position Push up onto your hands one arm at a time, then lower back down to forearms. 10 reps 3 sets

4. Pilates Ring Ab Workout

Pilates Ring Ab Workout

The Pilates ring adds resistance to your workout, enhancing muscle engagement and control. This routine includes moves like ring squeezes and leg circles.

Why it’s great: The Pilates ring intensifies exercises, helping to build strength and endurance in your core.

Equipment needed: Pilates ring

Exercise Position Instructions Repetitions Sets
Ring Squeezes Lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat Place Pilates ring between knees, squeeze as you lift hips into a bridge. Lower hips and release squeeze. 15 reps 3 sets
Leg Circles Lie on your back, legs extended Place Pilates ring around one foot, lift leg towards ceiling, draw circles. Switch directions after 10 reps. 10 reps each direction, each leg 3 sets

3. Medicine Ball Ab Workout

Medicine Ball Ab Workout

Medicine balls are great for dynamic and powerful movements. This workout features exercises like Russian twists, slams, and V-ups.

Why it’s great: It combines strength and explosive power, enhancing both muscle tone and cardiovascular fitness.

Equipment needed: Medicine ball

Exercise Position Instructions Repetitions Sets
Russian Twists Sit on the floor, knees bent, feet flat Hold medicine ball at chest, lean back, twist torso to the right, then to the left. 15 reps each side 3 sets
Ball Slams Stand with feet shoulder-width apart Hold medicine ball overhead, slam it down with force, pick up and repeat. 15 reps 3 sets
V-Ups Lie on your back, legs extended, arms overhead Lift legs and upper body simultaneously, reaching for toes, then lower back down. 15 reps 3 sets

2. 7 Lower Ab Exercises Using a Booty Band

7 Lower Ab Exercises Using a Booty Band

Booty bands add resistance to your lower ab exercises, making them more challenging and effective. This workout includes leg raises, reverse crunches, and scissor kicks.

Why it’s great: Targeting the lower abs can be tricky, but the added resistance from the booty band helps intensify the workout for better results.

Equipment needed: Booty band


Exercise Position Instructions Repetitions Sets
Leg Raises Lie on your back with booty band around thighs Lift legs towards the ceiling, lower them back down without touching the floor. 15 reps 3 sets
Reverse Crunches Lie on your back with booty band around thighs Lift legs and hips off the floor, curling knees towards chest, then lower back down. 15 reps 3 sets
Scissor Kicks Lie on your back with booty band around thighs Lift legs slightly off the floor, alternate crossing them over and under each other. 20 reps each leg 3 sets

1. 15 Minute Pilates Core Workout

15 Minute Pilates Core Workout

This quick yet effective Pilates routine targets your entire core with exercises like the hundred, roll-ups, and leg circles. It’s perfect for those short on time but looking for a thorough core workout.

Why it’s great: Pilates exercises focus on controlled movements and breathing, enhancing core strength and stability without high impact.

Equipment needed: None

Exercise Position Instructions Repetitions Sets
The Hundred Lie on your back, legs raised to 90 degrees Lift head and shoulders off mat, pump arms while inhaling for 5 counts and exhaling for 5 counts. Continue for 100 pumps. 100 pumps 1 set
Roll-Ups Lie on your back, arms extended overhead Slowly roll up reaching towards toes, roll back down with control. 10 reps 3 sets
Leg Circles Lie on your back, legs extended Lift one leg towards ceiling, draw circles in the air. Switch directions after 10 reps. 10 reps each direction, each leg 3 sets
Picture of Jaylene Huff

Jaylene Huff

Jaylene Huff is a passionate fitness author and nutrition expert, celebrated for her engaging guides on healthy living.
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